About the Website
Picaasi is a furniture sales company and the main motto behind their online presence was to feature their stunning and elegant products online.
What we did for them
First of all, we created a custom design for the website and incorporated a stable theme
Integration of Custom Banner and HTML Content MOdule
- Our customer can add custom banner, HTML and sliders anywhere in the website
- This module equips user the ability to insert images, videos or any type of custom HTML files to the website to increase the aesthetics.
- Added banners can be converted to carousels, banner group or even separate blocks
- Banners can be turned off or on or can be shifted from one place to another.
Features of the Module
- Rich in options for customizations
- Content can be added to numerous Prestashop hooks in the website and can be added to any kind of TPL file.
- Content posted on these hooks can be scheduled
- Random banner display in desired pages
Shopping List Cart Integration
- Allows customers of your website to create, shopping list and wish list. Items can be also added to the existing shopping list.
- Customers can also create multiple shopping carts and items can be added to any of these cards upon choice
- Since the addition is made by Ajax application users will not have to leave the current page
- Customer account will have add/delete/edit list
- IF any of the products in the shopping cart is out of stock, withdrawn or even an error occurs, customers will be notified.