Make your own web application with the Yii Framework: Tutorial

Yii is a quick and secure system for creating PHP applications. It has brilliant support for different databases. Yii can be utilized for building up any sort of web applications. It is particularly befitted for high traffic web applications like forums, social networking sites, portals etc. We hear many times about every single diverse framework […]

Yii vs Laravel: Who Will Win the Match?

Yii vs Laravel, two of the mighty competitors when it comes to PHP based web-app development! But which on is the best? Which one has the upper hand over the other? Yii is used for swift development and Laraval is used for developing sophisticated syntax application. Differences do not end there. There are many which […]

Why Hiring a Yii Development Company is Beneficial to You?

Yii is the most preferred framework for projects ranging from simple to complex websites and web applications. Yii has become a favourite among developers due to its object oriented nature and superb performance capabilities. Time is money for every web developers and hence they prefer less complicated installation and configuration. Hence Yii is the most […]

10 Features That Make Yii Framework Special

Yii framework is a free PHP5 based open source framework ideal for developing web 2.0 applications. It is more malleable, efficiently active, extensible, and modular. So, what makes this framework special? It’s mainly because of the features shown below: Collect feedback and validation: Yii provides simple ways for you to collect feedback and to confirm […]

7 Reasons to Switch from Drupal To Yii

Drupal is one of the widely preferred CMS, thanks to its multiple capabilities and compatibility across different browsers and operating systems. However, it has its set of challenges which has also led it to be detested by many. Read Also:7 Reasons Why Yii Out-Performs Other Frameworks Let’s see in detail why you should switch from […]

Why Is Yii Framework Best For PHP Web Applications?

Yii is an open source PHP5 based high performance framework used for devising web 2.0 applications. This will be helpful for you in developing applications within a short period of time. Yii has helped developers to create some great PHP frameworks by giving a wide range of niche functionalities. This supremacy in providing time-saving web […]

8 Reasons to Choose Yii Framework for Your E-Commerce Store

Yii has its benefits for everyone involved in programming. If you are a businesses owner who attach more importance to the quality and overall value of the applications you launch in the market, Yii serves to be an ideal tool. Here are 8 reasons Yii Framework could be the best choice for your e-commerce store: […]

7 Reasons Why Yii Out-Performs Other Frameworks

Yii is a PHP framework, designed for the development of high-performance applications. Developed by QiangXue, Yii is a fast, secure and professional PHP framework, ideal for developing large scale web applications. Abbreviated as “Yes it is”, Yii is free software, released under the terms of the BSD license. Even though this Yii development framework is […]

10 Reasons to Choose the Yii Framework

The development of Yii framework began on January 1, 2008. It is an open source application that supports object oriented programming. It is also a component based MVC (Model-View-Controller) web application framework. The purpose for its development was to fix the drawbacks of a then widely used PRADO framework. PRADO was incapable of delivering a […]

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