Machine Learning with IoT: Exploring Future Possibilities

The fusion of machine learning with IoT signifies the start of a new technological era. Machine learning has brought about a sea change in many work processes by automating repetitive processes. In the same way, IoT has brought in significant changes in many processes by enabling machines to communicate with one another. Now, imagine the […]

What is a Web Framework?

A web framework ties up the user interface, database, server, browser and middleware system and streamlines the process flow. In other words, this software framework is essential for the development of web applications, web services and dynamic as well as static websites. Read Also: 13 Best Python Web Framework For Web Developers A web framework […]

Most Popular Programming Languages 2020

The language that humans use to communicate with computers is known as a programming language. Did you know that the first programming language was developed between 1943 and 1945, but then was put to use only in 1998? This programming language was called Plankalkül and was developed by Konrad Zuse. In 1949, John Mauchly laid […]

Python Developer Salary – Entry Level to Senior [In Us Dollars]

In this article Python Developer’s salary has been estimated by compiling the salary trends for the last 5 years. Software developers and computer applications allow the interference at the user end to perform certain specific tasks on their machines like desktop and computers. They also help in developing and customizing certain system that is already […]

7 Reasons Why Python Development is Widely Used in Enterprises

  Due to the more robust feature and versatility python has become the first choice for developers all around the world. From 2016 itself the growth rate of its use has increased to 27 percent. As the resourses are easily available now python has become one of the most used and best programming language. More […]

Detect Language Using Python

Python, one of the most powerful and popular coding language can be put to many use. One of such include language detection. What is Language Detection? Are you able to tell which language are the following sentences written in: “sonrakine bir göz at” No? Try this one “iyi, eğer bir selamı hakedebilirsen” Hard right? Well, […]

Why is Python So Popular in Machine Learning?

Python and Machine learning, both name has been heard conjointly countless times if you are a programmer or an internet savvy. Why do you this happens often? Is it just because of the hype Python language is getting nowadays? Or Python is the most efficient language for machine learning? What Makes Python a Good Choice […]

How is Python Being Used At Facebook?

Python is becoming a very popular programming language and many industries are embracing and developing new applications using this language. Google, YouTube, Netflix, and many others are the core examples of popular companies who are using Python. But do you know that Facebook, the social media king is using Python for various developmental purposes? Use […]

Python For Finance, Why not R?

Many finance companies nowadays depend on Big Data and Data Science. But which programming language do they use to make use of this cutting edge tech? If you’ve already considered advancing your career in these fields, you too will surely come across this question. Most common programming languages that are used in the financial data […]

Python Structure For Your Project: How to do it?

Creating a program is not only about writing code. If the program is well structured, definitely your program will function effectively. ‘Structure’ means the decisions that you will make to achieve the objective of the program easier. Structuring the program means logic and code should be clear and concise, files should be properly organized in […]

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